Hans-Eike von Oppeln-Bronikowski
Rechtsanwalt (Attorney) | Notar a. D. (Civil Law Notary, off-duty)

As a longstanding advisor in real economic, charitable and cultural affairs, Hans Eike von Oppeln-Bronikowski has built a strong and reliable network comprising of personalities, cooperating colleagues and organizations.
His practice includes advice on succession and inheritance planning, with a special focus on counselling, establishing and representing charitable and private interest serving foundations. Hans Eike von Oppeln-Bronikowski is a certified executor of wills (AGT) and frequently entrusted with such duty. His approach is driven by outside-the-box-thinking as a means to find the optimum solution for your legal challenges.
Languages: English (fluent)
Civil Engagement and Memberships:
Ruck – Stiftung des Aufbruchs, HugoTempelmanStiftung for South Africa, Foundation Rotary Club Berlin-Humboldt, Stiftung „Achtung! Kinderseele“, Heinz and Heide Dürr Foundation, Rotary Club Berlin-Humboldt, Association of German Foundations, VBKI, German Association of Civil Law Notaries, Working Group Inheritance Law in DAV, Association of friends of the Aspen Institute e. V. and many more
Since 2013 Founding partner of the Legerwall law firm
2011 Award of the Federal Cross of Merit with Ribbon in appreciation of his cultural and social commitment
2004 – 2007 Member of the Advisory Board of BVG Media Holdinggesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Since 1995 Special focus on advising, establishing and representing foundations
1991 – 1998 Foundation and management of a law firm in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Since 1990 Legal counselling of cultural organizations, events and theatres
1985 Appointment as a civil law notary in Berlin
Since 1975 Self-employed lawyer, inter alia partner of national law firms Fiedler & Forster and Streitbörger-Speckmann
1975 Admitted as a lawyer in Berlin
1972 - 1975 Legal traineeship in Berlin
1967 – 1971 Studies of law at Freie Universität Berlin
1966 Graduation from high school in Heilbronn
1963 - 1964 Exchange student in the USA (AFS)